Whether you’re a lark like me and rise with the sun or if you’re more of a night owl that struggles with the nuclear alarm to get on your feet in the morning, I have an easy way to set a better tone for your day.
Today, I’m sharing a simple string of yoga poses to do in the morning to ease into your day. No need to roll out a mat or put on your workout gear. Best of all, this only takes two and half minutes.
To improve the likelihood that morning yoga becomes a habit, I recommend infusing this into an already set morning routine. You can do this sequence from anywhere - the edge of your bed, your balcony, a front/back porch, or you can join me in the kitchen. I can usually get this in while my Nespresso warms up and brews my first cup of coffee.
6 Simple Yoga Poses to Strengthen, Lengthen and Energize Your Day
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Stand on the ground with your feet parallel (either touching or separate to hip’s width distance), toes pointing forward, heels pointing backward and weight equally distributed between both feet.
Engage your leg muscles, keeping your knees slightly bent.
Engage your abdominal muscles.
Relax your shoulders away from your ears, widening your collar bones.
Bring your hands by your sides, fingers relaxed and palms facing your legs or facing forward.
Keep your spine in a neutral position (avoid tucking your pelvis or overly arching your back).
Look forward, keeping your gaze soft and chin parallel to the floor, growing taller through the crown of your head.
Take a few breaths.
Standing Side Stretch (Ardha Chandrasana)
Keep your legs and core engaged as you stretch your arms overhead sideways.
Interlock your fingers, releasing the index fingers and cross your thumbs.
Stretch up towards the ceiling and bend to the right, keeping your biceps by your ears, lifting your chest, keeping your chin lifted, and coming down as far as your flexibility allows (avoid collapsing into your side body).
Hold here for a few breaths.
Lift your arms through center.
Repeat on the other side.
Standing Chest Opener
Bring your hands behind your back, interlacing your fingers in a bind.
Outwardly rotate your shoulders while lifting your chest.
Press down through your feet as you press your knuckles toward the ground, helping you deepen the chest stretch (option to lift your gaze up towards the ceiling).
Hold the stretch for a few breaths.
Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) with Bind
Keeping your fingers interlaced in the bind, slowly start to bend your knees deeply, coming into a forward fold by hinging from the hips.
Rest your front torso on your legs as you let your arms release forward towards your head, keeping hands clasped (option to start to straighten your legs).
Hold here for a few breaths.
Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) Open Twist
Carefully lower your arms so your interlaced fingers rest on your low back and gently release the bind.
Place your right hand or fingertips between and in front of your toes so your wrist is under your shoulder (option to put your hand on a block or other household object like a box, wine bottle, etc.).
Bend your right knee and straighten your left leg.
Reach your left arm straight up toward the ceiling, opening your chest as you do.
Hold here for a few breaths, lengthening your spine on the inhales and gently twisting deeper on the exhales.
Lower your left arm and then repeat on the other side.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with Prayer Hands (Anjali mudra)
Take a gentle bend in your knees and slowly return to standing one vertebrae at a time.
Once again return to standing in Mountain Pose, standing tall.
Bring your palms of your hands to chest level, resting your thumbs against your sternum.
Option to close your eyes, tune into your breath and maybe set an intention for the day (thinking of a goal, wish or feeling you want to bring into your day; examples: peace, finding balance, focus, embracing change, confidence, open mind and/or heart).
When you’re ready, flutter your eyes open and carry on with your morning.